Vaccination FAQs

Common Questions About Pet Vaccinations

If you own a cat or a dog, vaccines are an important component of your pet's wellness plan. Vaccinations help protect your pet from diseases that can be deadly. They also help reduce the spread of disease from animals to humans. At Whitemud Crossing Animal Hospital, our veterinarians in Edmonton know that pet vaccines matter. Vaccinating your pet is one of the best ways to ensure their health and safety, but it's understandable if you have a few questions about the process. Let’s look at some common questions about pet vaccinations.

Vaccination FAQs

How Do Pet Vaccines Work?

Pet vaccines work by exposing your pet to a weakened form of a virus or bacteria. As your pet's immune system fights off the exposure, they develop immunity to the disease. If your pet is ever exposed to the disease in the future, its immune system will be able to recognize it and fight it off more effectively.

How Often Do Pets Need to Be Vaccinated?

The frequency of pet vaccinations depends on the individual pet and its risk factors. For example, indoor cats typically don't need to be vaccinated as often as outdoor cats because they're not exposed to other animals or diseases as often. Our veterinarians will develop a vaccination schedule for your pet based on its unique pet wellness needs.

Which Vaccines Do Pets Need?


  • Rabies
  • Parvo/Distemper
  •  Bordetella (commonly called kennel cough)


  • Rabies
  • Calicivirus
  • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis
  • Feline Panleukopenia
  • Feline Leukemia Virus

The veterinarian will discuss which other vaccines are recommended for your pet based on its lifestyle and risk factors.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Pet Vaccines?

Pet vaccines are generally quite safe. The most common side effect is mild soreness or swelling at the injection site. In rare cases, pets may experience more severe reactions, such as fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. If you notice any unusual side effects after your pet is vaccinated, please contact our veterinarians right away.

Do Pets Need Booster Shots?

Pets typically need booster shots every one to three years, depending on the vaccine. The veterinarian will let you know when it's time for your pet's next booster shot. Pet wellness exams each year can help you stay on track with your pet’s vaccinations.

Contact Our Veterinarians About Pet Vaccinations in Edmonton

Our veterinarians at Whitemud Crossing Animal Hospital are here to answer all of your pet vaccination questions. We will work with you to develop a vaccination schedule that's right for your pet. Call our team today at (780) 756-5070 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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